

  1. *Wang H, Xiao G, Yan Y, Suter D. 2018. Searching for representative modes on hypergraphs for robust geometric model fitting. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2018.2803173. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR1区)

  2. Xiao G, *Wang H, Yan Y, Suter D. 2018. Superpixel-guided two-view deterministic geometric model fitting. International Journal of Computer Vision, doi: 10.1007/s11263-018-1100-8. (SCI/EI, JCR1区)

  3. *Xie Y, Tao D, Zhang W, Liu Y, Z Lei, Qu Y, 2018. On unifying multi-view self-representations for Clustering by tensor multi-rank minimization. International Journal of Computer Vision, 126(11), 1157--1179.  (SCI/EI, JCR1区)

  4. Lai T, *Wang H, Yan Y, Chin T, Zheng J, Li B. 2018. Accelerated guided sampling for multi-structure model fitting. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR1区)

  5. Guo G, *Wang H, Zhao W, Yan Y, Li X. 2018. Object discovery via cohesion measurement. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 48(3): 862-875. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR1区)

  6. Xie Y, Zhang W, *Qu Y, Dai L, Tao D, 2018. Hyper-laplacian regularized multilinear multi-view self-representations for clustering and semi-supervised learning, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. doi: 10.1109/TCYB.2018.2869789.  (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR1区)

  7. Lin Y, *Wang C, Zai D, Li W, Li J, 2018. Toward better boundary preserved supervoxel segmentation for 3D point clouds. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 143, 39-47. (SCI/EI, JCR1区)

  8. Wang C, *Wen C, Hou S, Gong Z, Li Q, Sun X, Li J, 2018. Semantic line framework-based indoor building modeling using backpacked laser scanning point clouds. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 143, 150-166. (SCI/EI, JCR1区)

  9. *Luo X, Mori K, Peters T, 2018. Advanced Endoscopic Navigation: Surgical Big Data, Methodology, and Applications. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, 20: 221-251. (SCI, JCR1区)

  10. Chen L, Liu C, *Hong X, Wang C, Thompson J, and Shi J. Capacity and Delay Tradeoff of Secondary Cellular Networks with Spectrum Aggregation, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2018, 17(6): 3974 – 3987. (IEEE:SCI/EI,JCR2区)

  11. Guo G, *Wang H, Shen C, Yan Y, Liao M. 2018. Automatic image cropping for visual aesthetic enhancement using deep neural networks and cascaded regression. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 20(8):2073-2085. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR2区)

  12. Su L, *Li C, Lai Y, Yang J. 2018. A Fast forgery detection algorithm based on exponential-fourier moments for video region duplication. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 20(4):825-840. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR2区)

  13. Shi C, *Luo X, Guo J, Najdovski Z, Fukuda T, *Ren H, 2018. Three-Dimensional Intravascular Reconstruction Techniques Based on Intravascular Ultrasound: A Technical Review. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 22(3): 806-817 (IEEE/SCI, JCR2区)

  14. *Zhang Z, Xing F, Wang H, Yan Y, Huang Y, Shi X, Yang L. 2018. Revisiting graph construction for fast image segmentation. Pattern Recognition. 78: 344-357. (SCI/EI, JCR2区)

  15. Zhuang N, *Yan Y, Chen S, Wang H, Shen C. 2018. Multi-label learning based deep transfer neural network for facial attribute classification. Pattern Recognition. 80:225-240. (SCI/EI, JCR2区)

  16. Ma L, Li Y, *Li J, Wang C, Wang R, Chapman MA. 2018. Mobile laser scanned point-clouds for road object detection and extraction: A review. Remote Sensing. 10(10), 1531. (SCI/EI, JCR2区)

  17. Xiao G, Wang X, Luo H, Zheng J, Li B, Yan Y. *Wang H. 2018. Conceptual space based model fitting for multi-structure data. Neurocomputing. 315: 115-127. (SCI/EI, JCR2区)

  18. Xiao G, *Wang H, Yan Y, Zhang L. 2018. Robust geometric model fitting based on iterative Hypergraph construction and partition. Neurocomputing. DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2018.03.085. (SCI/EI, JCR2区)

  19. Chen R, Qu* Y, Li C, Zeng K, Xie Y, Li C. 2018. Single-image super-resolution via joint statistic models-guided deep auto-encoder network. Neural Computing and Application. 1-12. (SCI/EI, JCR2区)

  20. *Zhang D, Yan W, Bugingo E, Zheng W, Chen J, 2018 A benchmark approach and its toolkit for online scheduling of multiple deadline-constrained workflows in big-data processing system, Future Generation Computer Systems, 85: 222-234 (SCI, JCR2区)

  21. Zheng W, Qin Y, Bugingo E, *Zhang D, Chen J, 2018, Cost optimization for deadline-aware scheduling of big-data processing jobs on clouds. Future Generation Computer Systems. 82: 244-255. (SCI, JCR2区)



  1. Lin S, Xiao G, Yan Y, *Wang H, Suter D. Hypergraph optimization for multi-structural geometric model fitting. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2018. (CCF A类)

  2. Liang Y, Wu Q, Liu Y, Yan Y, *Wang H. Robust correlation filter tracking with shepherded instance-aware proposals. ACM Multimedia (ACM MM). Seoul, Korea, 2018. (CCF A类)

  3. Chen L, Fan X, Wang L, Zhang D, Yu Z, Li J, Nguyen T, Pan G, Wang C. RADAR: Road obstacle identification for disaster response leveraging cross-domain urban data. ACM international joint conference on pervasive and ubiquitous computing (ACM UBICOMP), Singapore, 2018. (CCF A类)

  4. Ma Y, *Chen Z, Hu W, Wang W. 2018. Packing Irregular Objects in 3D Space via Hybrid Optimization. The Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing, Paris, France. (CCF B类)

  5. Xiao Y, Chen Z, *Cao J, Zhang Y, Wang C. 2018. Optimal Power Diagrams via Function Approximation. Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling, Bilbao, Spain. (CCF B类)

  6. Chen Z, Zhang T, *Cao J, Zhang Y, Wang C. 2018. Point Cloud Resampling Using Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation Methods. Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling, Bilbao, Spain. (CCF B类)

  7. Wu Q, Yan Y, Liang Y, *Wang H. DSNet: Deep and shallow feature learning for efficient visual tracking. Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), Perth, Australia, 2018. (CCF C类)

  8. Zhuang N, *Yan Y, Chen S, Wang H. Multi-task learning of cascaded CNN for facial attribute classification. IEEE Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) Beijing, China, 2018. (CCF C类)

  9. Y Du, *Yan Y, Chen S, Hua Y, Wang H. object-Adaptive LSTM network for visual tracking. IEEE Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) Beijing, China, 2018. (CCF C类)

  10. Qie C, Guo G, Yan Y, Zhang L, *Wang H. Improved correlation filter tracking with hard negative mining. IEEE Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) Beijing, China, 2018. (CCF C类)

  11. Liao J, Guo G, Yan Y, *Wang H. Multiscale cascaded scene-specifc convolutional neural networks for background subtraction. Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM), Harbin, China, 2018. (CCF C类)

  12. Chen Z, Chen W, Guo J, *Cao J, Zhang Y. 2018. Orientation Field Guided Line Abstraction for 3D Printing. Geometric Modeling and Processing, Aachen, Germany. (CCF C类)

  13. *Luo X, Wan Y, Zeng H, Guo Y, Ewurum H C, Zhang X, McLeod A J, Peters T M, 2018. Simultaneous Surgical Visibility Assessment, Restoration, and Augmented Stereo Surface Reconstruction for Robotic Prostatectomy. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Granada, Spain, 2018. (EI)